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Monday, October 21, 2013

The Vagina Voice

Woman tho I am,
Feel me sing
Listen to me dream
Woman tho I am.

What is the vagina voice?
I am a woman.
I have a voice with a dream
I have a need with a purpose
I have a desperation with an exact intent
What does my voice say?
What did my voice do?
My vagina has needs
Not all are sexual needs
My love connects from my vagina to my heart
When I breastfed my son, I felt a pleasure inside my vagina.  Not a sexual pleasure, a satisfied pleasure. Something right was happening. The pleasure traveled up to my heart and warmth poured out as I embraced my nursing child.  This love is a deep love, a fulfilling pleasure.  How often do we grasp for this love, this pleasure and we are not sated. We close or heart to the pleasure of love and the voice.  We accept the in-adequate feeling convincing ourselves THIS is acceptable.  THIS is what I get.  THIS is what I deserve. 
We do not speak with our vagina voice.  We don't say, "I need to feel"..." I need more "... 
I want to feel you touch my heart while you touch my vagina.  Touch my mind, soul and physical body all at the same time. 
Speak from your vagina.  Speak from your intuition and your pleasure center, feel your heart sing out from your vagina.

LOVE and Live with pleasure... 
