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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Empty Shell

I am an empty shell
Fill me with your beauty
That I might know how to be
I don't know how to be
Who am I, really?

I travel this world, whispering
There are truths to know
There is a way to be
And I am empty
Unfilled and devoid of living matter
Who am I, really?

I do not feel anything
For anyOne
I do not care about your life
I do not know your life
There is only mine
Who am I, really?

There is this face
I wear
Daily I put on the mask
Of care and consideration
Daily, I pretend
Who am I, really?

I would like to think
I care
I want to be considerate
Yet, there is nothing inside
Nothing inside me
Who am I, really?

I feel the tragic beauty
Filling me and my soul
All I can do is feel the wonder
The compassionate beauty and cry
I cry out!
Who am I, REALLY?

How is it I feel
All this amazing love
And not know how to express love
I don't know how to be
How am I a vessel for love
Who am I, really?

You don't understand
I scream
You really don't understand
This love pouring within my heart
Debilitates me
Who am I, really?

Wouldn't a pure vessel know
Wouldn't a pure soul realize
How to explain the light
How to be with the love
How to love other souls
Who am I, really?

I shake me head
I shake my heart and body
I feel, always
I always feel this pure love
This love shakes me
Who am I, really?

To know this pure love
To feel this pureness
How do I feel for anyone else
Trapped in this rapture
Who am I, really?

Help me
Before I burst
Help me teach others how to feel
This amazing love
So that I can learn to love
Who am I, really?

I am an Empty shell
Filled with light
Filled with love
I am a Human
This is who I am, Really

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Absent Lover

Heart tugging gently toward your heart
I feel your touch
Your absent caress
How is it I long for you
How is it, I miss you
I have never even met you

I ache for your touch
Your tender look
Passion and desire
I remember what you feel like
As I hold you close
I remember in a dream
A dream of you
Holding me
Holding you

I keep the memory of you
Deep within my soul
My heart is tugging toward you
How is it I miss you
When I have not even met you
How is it I long for you
When I have never even touched your lips

Kiss me deeply
My absent lover
Kiss me with passion
Hold me closely
Hold my hand
Remember me
Remember me
I ache for you
As you ache for me

Times caress connects our hearts
Times caress keeps us