Strength is beautiful.
How does a person acquire this beauty?
With perseverance and hard-core determination.
Life is not easy. No one has ever said that life is supposed to be easy. Life is full of hard knocks and decisions coupled with way of being.
Some things have come to me easy. Creativity and imagination, reading skill with comprehension and figuring things out...All of these are easy for me, because I chose to be creative and to read with well as choosing to be pretty good at figuring out complicated problems...
I started drawing when I was 8 years old. I wanted attention. I wanted people to take notice of me. My mother was an artist and my brother did some decent artwork~hence the desire to receive some kind of attention, outside of getting in trouble...I started with horses. Memory says...hahah! They were not very good, I kept it up and practiced often so that I could draw a horse. Before long, I could draw one with my eyes shut...(not very good)(but, I could do it)
Later, I decided to try cartoon characters from coloring books...I figured that if I was good at coloring a picture, I might as well try drawing one! And draw I did! Now, when I colored...I colored in the lines and when I drew...I drew big...I could take a picture that was a couple of inches big and recreate it in perfect proportion...anywhere from 6,8 or 10 inches bigger...funny tho...most people thought that was cool...I on the other hand knew the good as it was, I could not control the sizing...everything just came out bigger!! Again, I practiced and practiced until I could get a handle on the size of what I was drawing...I do okay now...LOL
Reading, was a chore in 1st grade. I was told that I needed a special reading and writing class...I wrote letters upside down and backwards...Interestingly enough, I recognized what was happening and I knew I had to figure out how to fix the problem, cause I did not want to stay in a special reading and writing class...The letter "S" is the one that I remember the most. Every time I had to write an "S", I would flip my paper upside down and write the letter and then flip it back upright to continue the assignment. I understood how to make the letter look the "write" way! Well, at some point I became tired of flipping my paper around for the letters that I had trouble with, so I began practicing by writing over and over on the letter until I could get it right! I was one of the only 6 year olds in the first grade who adamantly checked out books from the library to practice reading...The books I took home were Dick and Jane...See Spot Run...LOL...of course, I did progress from there!!!
I chose to learn how to read with understanding and by the time I was in 5th grade, I had the reading level of a Junior in Highschool. When I was in the 10th grade, I had the reading level of a Junior in College...I devoured books with intensity!
Every part of life is a choice, even the smallest things...I could have chosen to accept my reading disability...I didn't. I am so happy that I did not make that choice!!!
Consider every aspect of your life and look at the choices. Make the choice that betters your life. Make the choice that creates an improvement!
And life is not easy...
I am okay with this, because this life is who I am and I like who I am...I like every hard-ship that has come at me...I have been made better by every part of my life...even those that appear negative...yeah, they are positive...hahah!
(should have seen me when I was learning how to be a massage therapist...if I was seeing letters should have seen my massage technique in the beginning...I did it backwards...)I still twist things around in my mind, so I slow down and think it through...and then I get it right! So, if you see me looking at you intensely, with a distant look in my is because I am slowing myself down and figuring out why what I am looking at is so twisted...hahah! ;)or, it could be that my perception is twisted... ;)
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