To transmigrate is to go from one state of existence, to another. So many people "get" the whole concept of KARMA, wrong. I often see posts on social websites about the negativity of a persons actions and how KARMA will bite them in the ass. How is having a negative attitude toward another human being going to benefit you during your transmigration from Earth to your next existence. KARMA is not handled in this life. A person's way of being will be handled in-between lives and metered out in a personal way as depicted by the soul in question and warranted in their next life. KARMA is a personal way of keeping your spiritual life in check.
What I would like to see, is some positive connotations placed upon this word, KARMA. When you see someone doing something fantastic, comment upon the awesomeness and how KARMA is cool! Good KARMA is beautiful! Leave the judgments behind. Leave the negativity behind. Let us raise our energetic awareness to a point where we change the energy surrounding us. Turn negative energy to positive energy. Let us raise our own KARMIC awareness and let others join in on the energy train.
Here is an example of a post I would like to see changed to something with KARMIC approval…
One, Ignorant people do not realize anything. The definition of ignorant is~~~
a : destitute of knowledge or education <an ignorantsociety>; also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified <parents ignorant of modern mathematics>
The definition shows the ignorance and vindictive nature of the person who created this diatribe. Let us watch our words and energy we put out in the world. I also hear folks say, KARMA is a bitch. I disagree. KARMA is not a bitch. KARMA IS what KARMA is to be, subjective and personalized.
Let us take time to watch our SELVES and feel the magic of who we are and how we are changing the world!!!
Much love to you and you and you!!!
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