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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Vampire Days

Some days it don't come easy, and some days it don't come hard Some days it don't come at all, and these are the days that never end Some nights you're breathing fire, and some nights you're carved in ice Some nights you're like nothing I've ever seen before or will again... Meatloaf (I would do anything for love)

Yeah... today was a vampire day... Lab Work, Blood Draw...No biggee.... except, it is a big deal..In two weeks, I will find out if my medicene is still working. This is such a strange feeling. Really strange...Memories of the realness of the virus creep up and invade the mind.Memories of the past...The Memories suck...Reality hits you smack dab into the gut and then the back pains start...from anxiety of actually going and having the blood taken...I even had trouble sleeping last night... argh...So, I went in this afternoon...knowing that sometimes, it takes a while to get into the room for the vampire to begin sucking..

I had to wait almost an hour and a half... I am not a good sitter...but, this ID Doc is wonderful and extremely popular... The funny thing, is...that once the process has started and is done...I back quits hurting..The unfortunate part two weeks, I will have the same pains and anxiety all over again. For the lab results...

Some days I pray for silence
Some days I pray for soul
And some days I just pray to the gods of sex and drums and rock and roll (Meatloaf again)

Every time I visit my Doc... I begin to have a sense of pride...I am capable...I am doing well... I am handling my life to the best of my ability.

Look at me...I am HIV +
I am beautiful
I am smart
and sensitive
and amazing
There is nothing out there that I cannot accomplish...if I set my mind to it...

I like me... I like being who I am...
There is magic in being comfortable in your own skin...and I am one magical lady!!!
So, bring on those Vampire days...suck me dry and tell me my numbers...cause numbers do not lie!!!
I will update this, in two weeks with my results!!!

Thursday, March 15, 2012


I have a new insurance. My copay for my HIV meds went from $30 to $200 a month. Fortunatly, I have the Atripla Copay Card and the drug company pays my copay! So, I figured all was well...until I received a letter in the mail, from my new insurance company...stating that I had to use their mail-order pharmacy... So, once again..thinking alright...I prefer my neighborhood pharmacy...the main reason, is....I work there...and the other, I like knowing where my meds are coming from...and knowing the people filling my prescriptions... I called the Insurance company to give them the secondary insurance information and was informed that they were unable to process the copay card...and I would be required to pay for the meds upfront and then request remimbursement from the copay card...I was angry...said a few choice words... to which they replied...APPEAL... I was given fax number and address for which I would need to send a letter of appeal~So that I could continue using my pharmacy. Prior to calling, I called the Copay Card place to find out the actual process so I could include it in the letter of Appeal. The Process, would be pay for meds... call copay card place... wait 7-10 days to recieve a reimbursment card... Fill out the card... mail it in... wait 4-6 weeks for the check, upon approval... Big freaking Hassle... so, I wrote the letter...and faxed it to the insurance company...and within 10 minutes, the Appeal office called me for more info...and 20 minutes after that, I was approved to continue using my pharmacy!!! And, I found out that I shouln't have been make to go through all of this, that the Mail-in pharmacy (medco) should have authorized this, in house... I am so happy that I called and stated my needs!!! People do listen!!! Don't be afraid to voice your needs... Voice them with confidence and facts... leave the whining to the wine... LOL