Moments come and moments go
Breathless feelings mixed with anticipation
Disappointment when the unexpected is expected
Reaching up and reaching out
The mind is a woman's worst enemy
Silence in the face of the dark
And tears fall in many directions
Happiness is a lovely toy being played with
Where is happiness when it is put away, on the shelf
Hanging out with lonliness
Who really hears the cry of the dove as she sings her morning song
Who really listens
They say, I hear you
They say, I love you
And then they turn away
Show you their back as they run
There is silence now
Silence of my own makeing
Silence in the heart.
I lost an ear ring
Found it tangled in my long hair
Danced with a 21 year old boy
He said, where have you been my entire life
I laughed silently, loudly on the inside
I've been alive
I've been here
And now I'm gone
Leaving alone
Driving in my car
Sometimes, I wonder
Will there come a day when I don't have to leave anywhere
I see love all around me
Shadows playing with my heart
I see lust and dreams desire
In the eyes of those who want...
I stand alone
On the outside, looking in
I don't know how to feel complete
I don't know how to be her
You know, the one who is, The One…
Lost words playing with my heart
and the song plays on the radio
I listen, because it is all I can do...